New Rollerblades ----- Rain

Saturday, May 2, 2009 - - 0 Comments

I got some new rollerblades yesterday. I'm pretty excited about them. I went with my friend Desiree who also wanted some. As soon as we got them we went blading around our neighborhood for a good hour. It was awesome! We hadn't bladed in 10 years. But we picked it up right away. Our plan is to go downtown to Vancouver one of these days and blade the seawall around Stanley Park. Summers clearly coming as the days are warming up. Yesterday was the warmest day of the year so far, at 26°c. Nice eh? That being said, everyone loves the hot and sunny days right? I included. But I love rain. Is that weird? I love waking up and it's raining! Not really on the days I want to go outside to say, oh, rollerblade, but I don't mind rain at all. I think rain is calming and refreshing, and it's supposed to rain today, that's my point why I'm talking about rain right now. :P I'm looking forward to the rain. Maybe it will be a slower night at my work then, because you won't be able to sit outside on the patio. Am I evil? I worked last night and got out of the place at 2am, when we close at midnight. It was just a crazy night. Very busy! And while it's nice to be busy, because you can make good money, it can also be very stressful, and VERY tiring. I worked for 8 1/2 hours, and had one fifteen minute break. So working that hard after rollerblading an hour, my feet were hurting pretty bad, and I was so exhausted! So exhausted that I came home, watched an episode of LOST, and passed out. And then today, I got out of bed at 3pm! The best part, I'm closing tonight again too, so I have to start getting ready for work pretty soon. Work sleep work sleep. And Im closing tomorrow night too! I know, it's good money, but I don't get a weekend at all, and I'm already exhausted.

So, I hope it rains soon. Maybe it will calm me down a bit.


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