Argh Technology!!!

Thursday, May 7, 2009 - - 1 Comments

UGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm exhausted and not very happy right now! I just spent the past 8 hours trying to fix my desktop computer. I guess it got a pretty vicious spyware virus and it just started really messing up on me. It will only run for about 2 minutes before everything locks up and freezes. I can move the mouse around, but I can't do ANYTHING, not even Ctrl Alt Delete. NOTHING! I was finally able to download a new Norton, free for 30 days, and it didn't really do anything. People were giving me suggestions for spyware programs to get, but the virus had gotten so deep I couldn't install anything new. I probably restarted the computer over 30 times. And by that, I mean holding down the power button for 6 seconds on the tower. In and out of safemode, unplugging and plugging in the LAN cable. I was able to delete a few things and finally get a good spyware program downloaded. It was able to scan and found 10 viruses and over 480 (!!!) INFECTED FILES! I'm guessing most of these viruses were downloaded over the months, but holy crap! The best part, I had to pay $50 for this program! ARGH!!!!!! I know, there are other free ones that work just as good out there, but like I said, NOTHING WOULD INSTALL! So I was finally able to scan the computer and rid myself of ALL these bad spyware, viruses, etc. Theres this one minor one that can't be deleted, but it shouldn't be the reason for what it's doing now. Basically the computer is clean, but it still will FREEZE up after 2 minutes. I thought it was maybe the Norton, so I closed that completely, and it still froze up. That's when I gave up and turned the FUCKING thing off. I'm pissed, and tired, and had soo many things I wanted to do tonight, and got around to NOTHING. What the hell is it?!?! Do I REALLY have to backup my files and format AGAIN!? That takes a good day. Maybe I should buy an external hard-drive and back up the files that way? Burning 10 DVDs takes FOREVER!!! I am NOT looking forward to figuring this thing out. I REALLY REALLY REALLY want a macbook or imac! I think it's time I make this switch. I can't stand PCs anymore. I really can't. Can you tell how annoyed I am right now?!

Okay seriously, Im laying in bed right now on my laptop and I thought I saw something out the corner of my eye, and low and behold, there's a spider running over my pillows. I'm not a sissy or anything, but I am fucking arachnophobic! I can't stand the things, and it's running over my pillows?! The only thing I could think to do was slam my hand down on it. Smushed it. @^#%*!

Anyway, to top it off, a dead pixel popped up in the center of my iphone the other day. GREAT. I've tried many things to get rid of it, or fix it (I thought it might be stuck), but nothings working. Dead pixels bug the shit out of me! And today, I don't know whats going on, but I charged it over night, went to work, took it out without using it after my shift, and only 4 hours after unplugging it, the battery was drained to 10%. Ive had to charge it twice today! I haven't even used it! WHAT IS GOING ON!?

This is just a really bad day I guess. I need to sleep so I can wake up and do the things that I wanted to do tonight. I don't know what I'm going to do about my computer. I don't want to deal with it, but it has EVERYTHING I need on it! Everything. Like my life! @^&%#!!!!!!!!

im going to bed. SOMEBODY BUY ME A MAC !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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Anonymous said...

Macs are billion times better!