it's snowing!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008 - - 0 Comments

It's 3:30 in the morning, and it's snowing outside. I love snow, what can I say? A lot of people seem to hate it, and I should be one of them being that I crashed my beautiful car last winter because of the snow (among other reasons DOT DOT DOT). I don't know what it is about it, but I love weather changes. When I wake up in the morning, i'd rather it be a rainy day, than a sunny one. Is that weird? I don't think so. I think sunny days are boring, most of the time. I mean, don't get me wrong, I love a good sunny day. A walk on the beach, swim in the lake, a barbecue in the summer. But there's just something about a down pour, a thunderstorm, being snowed in, that makes life a little more interesting through my eyes. It will be christmas in just a few days, and all I can really hope for (like I hope for every year), is a white christmas. Last year it was green up until christmas morning itself. While opening gifts, the snow started. It was perfect. I hope I can get to work tomorrow.... ;)

I did my christmas shopping today. I think this might be the earliest I've ever gotten it over with. Well actually, I have a bit more to do, but the majority is done. It was quite easy actually. I think I stress over it too much, as most people do. I usually go overboard, but I'm doing my best to keep it simple this year. I think everyone is watching what they're spending. The world is a scary place right now. The economy is in the dumps. Bla bla, watch every penny. I hope I did good with the gifts I purchased though. Is it normal to worry if somebody will like their gift?

You know what's not fun? Dealing with a flat tire. I don't even know how to change a tire... I guess I ran over a nail, and didn't know. It might have been on my way home from work last night, or maybe it was last week? I hope not long. I couldn't tell either way. I do know it's bad, VERY BAD, to drive on the rim, or to bubble the tire when you drive with a flat tire. I got it repaired asap this morning, and the guy did it for free! Thanks Tom the Tire guy!

Alright I'm gonna catch some Z's. zZzzzzzZZzZZZZZ


Happy Holidays!

-michael michael wood

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